Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) and Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)State | Validity expired |
Holder | PL 1, Finland |
Grant Date | 2017-02-28 |
Last Validity Date | 2021-02-28 |
Registrar | CSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH (d/b/a joker.com) 48401 KOTKA |
Name Servers Please see DNS section for details | ns1.wordpress.com ns2.wordpress.com ns3.wordpress.com |
Is The DNSSec in Use | No |
IANA details for suffix | Top Level Domain (TLD): FI TLD manager: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom Domain type: Country-code |
Server IP location
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2021-01-22 00:30WARNING: Please notice that the location may be totally wrong if server uses e.g. reverse proxy like Cloudflare
IP source | IP address | ASN block data | IP Geolocation |
User IP | | This is not retrieved for now | Country: United States (US) City: Postal code: Latitude: 37.751 Longitude: -97.822 Network: |
Server IP | Autonomous System (AS) #: 2635 BGP prefix: Country Code: US Registry: arin Allocated: 2012-11-20 Info: AUTOMATTIC, US | Country: United States (US) City: Postal code: Latitude: 37.751 Longitude: -97.822 Network: |
This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from https://www.maxmind.com.
Word cloud for tuhatturhaa.fi
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2021-01-22 00:30Notice: Miscellaneous words removed from the cloud to enhance the analytics
Web page details for tuhatturhaa.fi
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2021-02-28 16:19Header data & Meta tags | title Tarjotin ja tuhat turhaa tavaraa viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1 generator WordPress.com not_found emptywebsite. Tarjotin ja tuhat turhaa tavaraa. https://tuhatturhaa.fi/. Tarjotin ja tuhat turhaa tavaraa. https://tuhatturhaablog.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/tuhat-turhaa-site-icon.jpg?w=200. 200. 200. fi_FI. 756. 503. 307. 461. 307. 204. 445. 669. 337. 225. 337. 225. 74. 111. 74. 110. 756. 503. 376. 565. 376. 565. 503. 335. 249. 166. 249. 165. 250. 375. 250. 375. 502. 754. 521. 347. 231. 347. theme-color #e0d9d1 application-name Tarjotin ja tuhat turhaa tavaraa msapplication-task name=Tilaa;action-uri=https://tuhatturhaa.fi/feed/;icon-uri=https://tuhatturhaablog.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/tuhat-turhaa-site-icon.jpg?w=16name=Rekisteröi itsellesi ilmainen blogi;action-uri=http://wordpress.com/signup/;icon-uri=https://s1.wp.com/i/favicon.ico. name=WordPress.com Tuki;action-uri=http://support.wordpress.com/;icon-uri=https://s1.wp.com/i/favicon.ico. name=WordPress.com Foorumit;action-uri=http://forums.wordpress.com/;icon-uri=https://s1.wp.com/i/favicon.ico. msapplication-window width=device-width;height=device-height msapplication-tileimage https://tuhatturhaablog.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/tuhat-turhaa-site-icon.jpg?w=270 google-site-verification lj3pmegwnbAkXt75NQ5V5PPdEkKCqzjQo5NB7AsUtyU |
Open Graph (OG) meta tags | og:url https://tuhatturhaa.fi/ og:type website og:image https://tuhatturhaablog.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/tuhat-turhaa-site-icon.jpg?w=200 og:title Tarjotin ja tuhat turhaa tavaraa og:locale fi_FI og:site_name Tarjotin ja tuhat turhaa tavaraa og:image:width 200 og:image:height 200 |
Twitter cards | twitter:site @wordpressdotcom |
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) (CSS) | https://s2.wp.com/_static/??/wp-content/mu-plugins/carousel/jetpack-carousel.css,/wp-content/mu-plugins/tiled-gallery/tiled-gallery.css?m=1614268815j&cssminify=yes https://s1.wp.com/_static/??-ejydkn1owzamhv+ixg33i3gbejyktujk0ksxvalvv3qbqgiiedewfozvsofausixz8aziykquxyycc7f5aqohyjll007oifyyb+ml7zarl5dkskp73snb7as4gg2zveuyrdv1awil4h/mlpsbbnymstuliysfa3jfy2q4tb7+gv3+y4n+qb3mabit019j27kw+m3prxd60fcmrimmnrbt9itzwtlrslvzgqsfl818lh0mwxflhcwkuvdzhpnl/2x33fp++4wtbduxrtb?cssminify=yes https://s0.wp.com/wp-content/themes/h4/global.css?m=1420737423h&cssminify=yes https://s1.wp.com/_static/??-ejx9j8eowjamq3+ikpvp4ot4lq0kpannqibvtl+nuw0bu9mknxzdko1juiqffwjcgvwnuk4z1yiwrxyvoture+yiqzocqw8k4jgwhhb4i7/yxzwbhiiuec2shafjpjbtqved04cxjzigcoqwbhn8kx5aamc36j5udhi6y7wzvz3f04hphg==?cssminify=yes https://s0.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/highlander-comments/style.css?m=1530132353h&cssminify=yes https://s2.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/global-print/global-print.css?m=1465851035h&cssminify=yes https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=alegreya+sans%3a300%2c500%2c300italic%2c500italic%7cmerriweather%3a700italic%2c400%2c400italic%2c700%2c600&subset=latin%2clatin-ext |
Social Media (SOME) links | Having Social Media content is highly recommended for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) |
JavaScript libraries | //stats.wp.com/w.js?61 https://s0.wp.com/_static/??/wp-content/js/jquery/jquery.autoresize.js,/wp-content/mu-plugins/highlander-comments/script.js?m=1573483029j //0.gravatar.com/js/gprofiles.js?ver=202108y https://s1.wp.com/_static/??-ejynknfobcemrx9ibicbn74yv6udhsxtkfjyx7+xndlejdnmg23pubnbfhtjjdfmzua1hi/ksoxt1af749temkha0hfbpefpva94fo9yp6evcvcmj/xmuxbcpx5dlccgsobhpyxkb7mzxchaizkq6ebfmoxnrok6mpx2/+okummj9pemgwub/gunbgr3qfkt+bfmfqjx8iz1veyr4da9izmo0hxzrmxlsoa2uom0yvqmapp49t/tsf7ty3yet0/n+fh0hl8adzexoq== https://s1.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/gravatar-hovercards/wpgroho.js?m=1610363240h https://s1.wp.com/_static/??-ejyfyjeogzamqnelnylijrad4ixpccnh2kgxo6q3p5xowmt0h//cezoxsakry+k2ikogehlyldd3vlqeuijpavulwa3ys/wdclzbavkd+dwgfo5yqr5ehjdvohdgmaau7/x98gpv8w4hidx2 |
Cookie data for tuhatturhaa.fi
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2021-02-28 16:19Number of cookies: 0
Cookie domain | Cookie values |
Screenshot for tuhatturhaa.fi
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2021-01-22 00:30
DNS records for tuhatturhaa.fi
Source: DNS reponse - Timestamp: 2021-01-22 00:30A | tuhatturhaa.fi (Time to Live: 287) tuhatturhaa.fi (Time to Live: 287) |
NS | ns2.wordpress.com
SOA | tuhatturhaa.fi ns1.wordpress.com (Time to Live: 21599) hostmaster.wordpress.com |
Whois record history for tuhatturhaa.fi
Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom)Showing latest max 5 detected changes in the records. Changes are highlighted
Date | 2018-04-02 | 2018-05-05 | 2019-04-12 | 2021-01-19 | 2021-03-01 |
Name | tuhatturhaa.fi | tuhatturhaa.fi | tuhatturhaa.fi | tuhatturhaa.fi | tuhatturhaa.fi |
State | Registered | Registered | Registered | Registered | Validity expired |
Holder | Pulse Drive Oy Ltd | Pulse Drive Oy Ltd | Pulse Drive Oy Ltd | Pulse Drive Oy Ltd | Pulse Drive Oy Ltd |
Address | PL 1 | PL 1 | PL 1 | PL 1 | PL 1 |
Country | Finland (FI) | Finland (FI) | Finland (FI) | Finland (FI) | Finland (FI) |
GrantDate | 2017-02-28T19:36:30.647 | 2017-02-28T19:36:30.647 | 2017-02-28T19:36:30.647 | 2017-02-28T19:36:30.647 | 2017-02-28T19:36:30.647 |
Registrar | CSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH (d/b/a joker.com) | CSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH (d/b/a joker.com) | CSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH (d/b/a joker.com) | CSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH (d/b/a joker.com) | CSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH (d/b/a joker.com) |
PostalCode | 48401 | 48401 | 48401 | 48401 | 48401 |
NameServer1 | ns1.wordpress.com | ns1.wordpress.com | ns1.wordpress.com | ns1.wordpress.com | ns1.wordpress.com |
NameServer2 | ns2.wordpress.com | ns2.wordpress.com | ns2.wordpress.com | ns2.wordpress.com | ns2.wordpress.com |
NameServer3 | ns3.wordpress.com | ns3.wordpress.com | ns3.wordpress.com | ns3.wordpress.com | ns3.wordpress.com |
PhoneNumber | +408.221652 | +408.221652 | +408.221652 | ||
IsDNSSecInUse | no | no | no | no | no |
OrganizationId | 1008063-0 | 1008063-0 | 1008063-0 | 1008063-0 | 1008063-0 |
AssociationType | Company | Company | Company | Company | Company |
LastValidityDate | 2019-02-28T19:36:30.647 | 2019-02-28T19:36:30.647 | 2021-02-28T19:36:30.647 | 2021-02-28T19:36:30.647 | 2021-02-28T19:36:30.647 |
DepartmentOrContactPerson | Pulse Drive Oy Ltd |
Server response for tuhatturhaa.fi
Source: Web server reponse - Timestamp: 2021-01-22 00:30
Used technologies on tuhatturhaa.fi
Source: Web page analysis - Timestamp: 2021-01-22 00:30Latest review | 2021-01-22 00:30 |
Page language (from header) | fi-FI (This is often false!) |
Technologies | Bolt (CMS) (100% propable) Caddy (Web Servers) (100% propable) Google Cloud (CDN) (100% propable) Leaflet 0.7.7 (Maps) (100% propable) jQuery 3.1.1 (JavaScript Libraries) (100% propable) |
Known subdomains for tuhatturhaa.fi
Source: Search engines and DNS records (NOTICE: Most may not be reachable (internal/DMZ/obsolete)). Showing max rows 700Number of subdomains found: 2
Subdomain | IP address |
www.tuhatturhaa.fi | |
Web hosting providers
Source: All valid company websites with content (see below table)
Domains owned by same owner (current and past)
Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom)Number of domains: 13
Domain name | Final URL (when last tested) | Links | Last validity |
hp24.fi | Expired 2024-11-30 | ||
kotkanmeriversot.fi | Expired 2000-12-31 | ||
lamonstra.fi | http://www.lamonstra.fi/ | 2025-07-01 | |
lasikarhu.fi | Expired 2020-04-24 | ||
meriversot.fi | Expired 2019-02-20 | ||
monstra.fi | http://www.monstra.fi/ | 2025-07-01 | |
mummoska.fi | http://www.mummoska.fi/ | 2025-09-29 | |
pulsedrive.fi | https://pulsedrive.fi/ | 2025-04-26 | |
satukirja.fi | http://www.satukirja.fi/ | 2025-12-27 | |
satukirjat.fi | http://www.satukirjat.fi/ | 2025-04-21 | |
tuhatturhaa.fi | Expired 2021-02-28 | ||
visitpyhtaa.fi | https://kylat.blog/ | 2025-03-26 | |
visitpyhtää.fi | https://kylat.blog/ | 2025-03-26 |