
Server IP geolocation
Word cloud
Web page details & SOME
Cookie data
DNS records
Whois history
Server response
Used technologies
Holders domains


Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) and Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
Holder EPL Systems LTD  (Company), HE288836
Gladstonos, 116, M. KYPRIANOU HOUSE, 3&4th floor, Cyprus

Grant Date2020-12-16
Last Validity Date2025-12-16
Registrar101Domain GRS Ltd.
3032 Limassol
Name Servers
Please see DNS section for details
Is The DNSSec in Use No
IANA details for suffixTop Level Domain (TLD): FI
TLD manager: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
Domain type: Country-code

Server IP location

Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-10-05 13:54
WARNING: Please notice that the location may be totally wrong if server uses e.g. reverse proxy like Cloudflare
IP sourceIP addressASN block dataIP Geolocation
User IP3.145.175.253This is not retrieved for nowCountry: United States   (US)
Postal code:
Latitude: 37.751
Longitude: -97.822
Server IPAutonomous System (AS) #: 24940
BGP prefix:
Country Code: DE
Registry: ripencc
Allocated: 2005-12-27
Country: Germany   (DE)
Postal code:
Latitude: 51.2993
Longitude: 9.491

This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from https://www.maxmind.com.

Word cloud for epldiamond.fi

Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-10-05 13:54
Notice: Miscellaneous words removed from the cloud to enhance the analytics

Web page details for epldiamond.fi

Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-12-02 12:10
Header data & Meta tagstitle EPL Diamond Jewelry Online Store
robots index, follow
viewport width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no, maximum-scale=1.0
not_found empty
description Online store "EPL Diamond" - trade in jewelry made of various metals with diamonds. Product catalog.
theme-color #000
facebook-domain-verification 3n5k7bbcwclpmyg5acjasbm7257s46
Open Graph (OG) meta tagsUsing Open Graph tags is highly recommended for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Twitter cardsUsing Twitter tags is highly recommended for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) (CSS)//epldiamond.fi/bitrix/cache/css/s1/design2019/kernel_main/kernel_main.css?166993604119617
Social Media (SOME) links  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/epldiamond.fi
  Instagram: https://instagram.com/epldiamond.fi/
JavaScript libraries/js/jquery.form.min.js?163351222815250

Cookie data for epldiamond.fi

Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-12-02 12:10
Number of cookies: 18
Cookie domainCookie values
api.hrznads.comCookie name: hgl_mbn
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 43 bytes
api.hrznads.comCookie name: hgl_mb
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 42 bytes
api.hrznads.comCookie name: uid
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 39 bytes
bitrix.infoCookie name: bx_user_id
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 42 bytes
creativecdn.comCookie name: ts
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 12 bytes
creativecdn.comCookie name: u
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 21 bytes
epldiamond.fiCookie name: CUR_CITY_ID
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 18 bytes
epldiamond.fiCookie name: tmr_lvidTS
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 23 bytes
epldiamond.fiCookie name: tmr_reqNum
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 11 bytes
epldiamond.fiCookie name: tmr_lvid
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 40 bytes
epldiamond.fiCookie name: PHPSESSID
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 35 bytes
epldiamond.fiCookie name: BX_USER_ID
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 42 bytes
epldiamond.fiCookie name: sort_order
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 28 bytes
epldiamond.fiCookie name: BITRIX_SM_SALE_UID
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 50 bytes
epldiamond.fiCookie name: BITRIX_SM_ALTASIB_GEOBASE
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 378 bytes
epldiamond.fiCookie name: BITRIX_SM_ALTASIB_LAST_IP
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 37 bytes
epldiamond.fiCookie name: tmr_detect
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 27 bytes
webtrafficsource.comCookie name: uxid
Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends)
Cookie size: 40 bytes

Screenshot for epldiamond.fi

Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-10-05 13:54
Screenshot for epldiamond.fi

DNS records for epldiamond.fi

Source: DNS reponse - Timestamp: 2022-10-05 13:54
Aepldiamond.fi  (Time to Live: 3598)
SOAepldiamond.fi    ns1.101domain.com (Time to Live: 14400)

Whois record history for epldiamond.fi

Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom)
Showing latest max 5 detected changes in the records. Changes are highlighted
Name epldiamond.fi epldiamond.fi epldiamond.fi epldiamond.fi epldiamond.fi
State Registered Registered Registered Registered Registered
Holder EPL Systems LTD EPL Systems LTD EPL Systems LTD EPL Systems LTD EPL Systems LTD
Address Gladstonos, 116, M. KYPRIANOU HOUSE, 3&4th floor Gladstonos, 116, M. KYPRIANOU HOUSE, 3&4th floor Gladstonos, 116, M. KYPRIANOU HOUSE, 3&4th floor Gladstonos, 116, M. KYPRIANOU HOUSE, 3&4th floor Gladstonos, 116, M. KYPRIANOU HOUSE, 3&4th floor
Country   Cyprus (CY)   Cyprus (CY)   Cyprus (CY)   Cyprus (CY)   Cyprus (CY)
GrantDate 2020-12-16T16:19:02.757 2020-12-16T16:19:02.757 2020-12-16T16:19:02.757 2020-12-16T16:19:02.757 2020-12-16T16:19:02.757
Registrar 101Domain GRS Ltd. 101Domain GRS Ltd. 101Domain GRS Ltd. 101Domain GRS Ltd. 101Domain GRS Ltd.
PostalArea Limassol Limassol Limassol Limassol Limassol
PostalCode 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032
NameServer1 ns1.101domain.com ns1.101domain.com ns1.101domain.com ns1.101domain.com ns1.101domain.com
NameServer2 ns2.101domain.com ns2.101domain.com ns2.101domain.com ns2.101domain.com ns2.101domain.com
PhoneNumber +357.95722004    
IsDNSSecInUse no  no  no  no  no
OrganizationId HE288836 HE288836 HE288836 HE288836 HE288836
AssociationType Company Company Company Company Company
LastValidityDate 2021-12-16T16:19:02.757 2021-12-16T16:19:02.757 2022-12-16T16:19:02.757 2023-12-16T16:19:02.757 2025-12-16T16:19:02.757

Server response for epldiamond.fi

Source: Web server reponse - Timestamp: 2022-10-05 13:54
Final URLhttps://epldiamond.fi/fi/
HTTP Return CodeHTTP/1.1 302 Found
IP Address 
Autonomous System (AS) #: 24940
BGP prefix:
Country Code:  Germany (DE)
Registry: ripencc
Allocated: 2005-12-27
Server HeaderServer:
Certificate Issued By: Let's Encrypt
Issuer details: O=Let's Encrypt,   United States (US)
Issuer details: CN=R3
Version: 2
Algorithm: RSA-SHA256
Issued On: 2022-09-22 00:00:00
Expires On: 2022-12-21 00:00:00
Certificate SubjectCountry (C):
Location (L):
Organization (O):
Common Name (CN): epldiamond.fi
Certificate Alternative Namesepldiamond.fi 

Used technologies on epldiamond.fi

Source: Web page analysis - Timestamp: 2022-10-05 13:54
Latest review2022-10-05 13:54
Page language (from header) (This is often false!)

Known subdomains for epldiamond.fi

Source: Search engines and DNS records (NOTICE: Most may not be reachable (internal/DMZ/obsolete)). Showing max rows 700
No subdomains found

Web hosting providers

Source: All valid company websites with content (see below table)

Domains owned by same owner (current and past)

Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom)