Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) and Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)State | Registered |
Holder | PL 480, Finland |
Grant Date | 2011-05-20 |
Last Validity Date | 2025-05-20 |
Registrar | Valtion tieto- ja viestintätekniikkakeskus Valtori 00023 Valtioneuvosto |
Name Servers Please see DNS section for details | ns1-fin.global.sonera.fi ns1-swe.global.sonera.se ns2-fin.global.sonera.fi ns2-usa.global.sonera.net |
Is The DNSSec in Use | No |
IANA details for suffix | Top Level Domain (TLD): FI TLD manager: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom Domain type: Country-code |
Server IP location
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-09-11 15:31WARNING: Please notice that the location may be totally wrong if server uses e.g. reverse proxy like Cloudflare
IP source | IP address | ASN block data | IP Geolocation |
User IP | | This is not retrieved for now | Country: United States (US) State: Virginia (VA) City: Ashburn Postal code: 20149 Latitude: 39.0481 Longitude: -77.4728 Network: |
Server IP | Autonomous System (AS) #: 202053 BGP prefix: Country Code: FI Registry: ripencc Allocated: 2008-10-22 Info: UPCLOUD, FI | Country: Finland (FI) City: Postal code: Latitude: 60.1717 Longitude: 24.9349 Network: |
This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from https://www.maxmind.com.
Word cloud for voicilafinlande.fi
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-09-11 15:31Notice: Miscellaneous words removed from the cloud to enhance the analytics
Web page details for voicilafinlande.fi
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-12-04 01:53Header data & Meta tags | title voicilaFINLANDE robots index, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1 viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1 not_found emptyfr_FR. en_US. zh_CN. de_DE. es_ES. pt_PT. ru_RU. ar_AR. ja_JP. website. voicilaFINLANDE. voicilaFINLANDE - des choses à (ne pas) savoir. https://finland.fi/fr/. voicilaFINLANDE. 2022-09-27T11:30:13+00:00. description voicilaFINLANDE - des choses à (ne pas) savoir |
Open Graph (OG) meta tags | og:url https://finland.fi/fr/ og:type website og:title voicilaFINLANDE og:locale fr_FR og:site_name voicilaFINLANDE og:description voicilaFINLANDE - des choses à (ne pas) savoir og:locale:alternate ja_JP |
Twitter cards | twitter:card summary_large_image |
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) (CSS) | https://finland.fi/wp-content/themes/thisisfinland/dist/styles/main.css?ver=c8071037715251b87d6d5e569785dd62 https://finland.fi/wp-content/themes/thisisfinland/dist/styles/webfonts.css?ver=c8071037715251b87d6d5e569785dd62 //cloud.webtype.com/css/04b8eaaa-d1f6-465e-82d6-dd46321a5c73.css |
Social Media (SOME) links | Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/thisisFINLANDtube Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thisisfinlandFB Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisisfinlandofficial/ |
JavaScript libraries | https://finland.fi/wp-content/themes/thisisfinland/dist/scripts/modernizr.js https://finland.fi/wp-content/themes/thisisfinland/dist/scripts/swiper.js https://finland.fi/wp-content/themes/thisisfinland/dist/scripts/headroom.js https://finland.fi/wp-content/themes/thisisfinland/dist/scripts/fitvids.js //www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=ua-9011288-1 https://finland.fi/wp-content/themes/thisisfinland/dist/scripts/fontfaceobserver.js https://finland.fi/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.min.js?ver=6bb90a30abc526cae1083bdf9a39cb83 https://finland.fi/wp-content/themes/thisisfinland/dist/scripts/enquire.js https://finland.fi/wp-content/themes/thisisfinland/dist/scripts/jquery.infinitescroll.js https://finland.fi/wp-content/themes/thisisfinland/dist/scripts/jquery.dotdotdot.js https://finland.fi/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=9b2be725afcaee14c6d4500b6fcf9a8c https://finland.fi/wp-includes/js/masonry.min.js?ver=54d077a712022a0f3b78f2b4a12fb42c https://finland.fi/wp-content/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/assets/js/frontend-gtag.js?ver=c20ebd5a5f2b86534290d718c081b8ab https://finland.fi/wp-content/themes/thisisfinland/dist/scripts/main.js?ver=c8071037715251b87d6d5e569785dd62 https://finland.fi/wp-content/themes/thisisfinland/dist/scripts/polyfills.js https://finland.fi/wp-includes/js/imagesloaded.min.js?ver=7a74e87ccb738786adf9b65a9d4d3a0f |
Cookie data for voicilafinlande.fi
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-12-04 01:53Number of cookies: 5
Cookie domain | Cookie values |
finland.fi | Cookie name: _ga Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends) Cookie size: 29 bytes |
finland.fi | Cookie name: _gid Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends) Cookie size: 31 bytes |
finland.fi | Cookie name: _gat_gtag_UA_9011288_1 Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends) Cookie size: 23 bytes |
finland.fi | Cookie name: _pk_ses.3.7187 Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends) Cookie size: 15 bytes |
finland.fi | Cookie name: _pk_id.3.7187 Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends) Cookie size: 65 bytes |
Screenshot for voicilafinlande.fi
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-09-11 15:31
DNS records for voicilafinlande.fi
Source: DNS reponse - Timestamp: 2022-09-11 15:31A | voicilafinlande.fi (Time to Live: 21600) |
NS | ns1-swe.global.sonera.se
SOA | voicilafinlande.fi namesurfer.inet.fi (Time to Live: 21600) hostmaster.telia.fi |
Whois record history for voicilafinlande.fi
Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom)Showing latest max 5 detected changes in the records. Changes are highlighted
Date | 2021-01-19 | 2021-04-22 | 2022-04-22 | 2023-04-22 | 2024-04-22 |
Name | voicilafinlande.fi | voicilafinlande.fi | voicilafinlande.fi | voicilafinlande.fi | voicilafinlande.fi |
State | Registered | Registered | Registered | Registered | Registered |
Holder | Ulkoministeriö | Ulkoministeriö | Ulkoministeriö | Ulkoministeriö | Ulkoministeriö |
Address | PL 480 | PL 480 | PL 480 | PL 480 | PL 480 |
Country | Finland (FI) | Finland (FI) | Finland (FI) | Finland (FI) | Finland (FI) |
GrantDate | 2011-05-20T10:13:48 | 2011-05-20T10:13:48 | 2011-05-20T10:13:48 | 2011-05-20T10:13:48 | 2011-05-20T10:13:48 |
Registrar | Valtion tieto- ja viestintätekniikkakeskus Valtori | Valtion tieto- ja viestintätekniikkakeskus Valtori | Valtion tieto- ja viestintätekniikkakeskus Valtori | Valtion tieto- ja viestintätekniikkakeskus Valtori | Valtion tieto- ja viestintätekniikkakeskus Valtori |
PostalArea | Valtioneuvosto | Valtioneuvosto | Valtioneuvosto | Valtioneuvosto | Valtioneuvosto |
PostalCode | 00023 | 00023 | 00023 | 00023 | 00023 |
NameServer1 | ns1-fin.global.sonera.fi | ns1-fin.global.sonera.fi | ns1-fin.global.sonera.fi | ns1-fin.global.sonera.fi | ns1-fin.global.sonera.fi |
NameServer2 | ns1-swe.global.sonera.se | ns1-swe.global.sonera.se | ns1-swe.global.sonera.se | ns1-swe.global.sonera.se | ns1-swe.global.sonera.se |
NameServer3 | ns2-fin.global.sonera.fi | ns2-fin.global.sonera.fi | ns2-fin.global.sonera.fi | ns2-fin.global.sonera.fi | ns2-fin.global.sonera.fi |
NameServer4 | ns2-usa.global.sonera.net | ns2-usa.global.sonera.net | ns2-usa.global.sonera.net | ns2-usa.global.sonera.net | ns2-usa.global.sonera.net |
PhoneNumber | |||||
IsDNSSecInUse | no | no | no | no | no |
OrganizationId | 0245973-9 | 0245973-9 | 0245973-9 | 0245973-9 | 0245973-9 |
AssociationType | Government | Government | Government | Government | Government |
LastValidityDate | 2021-05-20T10:13:49 | 2022-05-20T10:13:49 | 2023-05-20T10:13:49 | 2024-05-20T10:13:49 | 2025-05-20T10:13:49 |
DepartmentOrContactPerson |
Server response for voicilafinlande.fi
Source: Web server reponse - Timestamp: 2022-09-11 15:31Final URL | https://finland.fi/fr/ |
HTTP Return Code | HTTP/1.1 200 OK |
IP Address | Autonomous System (AS) #: 202053 BGP prefix: Country Code: Finland (FI) Registry: ripencc Allocated: 2008-10-22 Info: UPCLOUD, FI |
Server Header | Server: Nginx Via: |
Certificate | Issued By: Let's Encrypt Issuer details: O=Let's Encrypt, United States (US) Issuer details: CN=R3 Version: 2 Algorithm: RSA-SHA256 Issued On: 2022-07-25 00:00:00 Expires On: 2022-10-23 00:00:00 |
Certificate Subject | Country (C): Location (L): Organization (O): Common Name (CN): finland.fi |
Certificate Alternative Names | finland.fi |
Used technologies on voicilafinlande.fi
Source: Web page analysis - Timestamp: 2022-09-11 15:31Latest review | 2022-09-11 15:31 |
Page language (from header) | fi (This is often false!) |
Technologies | Google Tag Manager (Tag Managers) (100% propable) React (JavaScript Frameworks) (100% propable) |
Known subdomains for voicilafinlande.fi
Source: Search engines and DNS records (NOTICE: Most may not be reachable (internal/DMZ/obsolete)). Showing max rows 700Number of subdomains found: 1
Subdomain | IP address |
www.voicilafinlande.fi | |
Web hosting providers
Source: All valid company websites with content (see below table)
Domains owned by same owner (current and past)
Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom)Number of domains: 84
Domain name | Final URL (when last tested) | Links | Last validity |
amadesign.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-07-03 | |
anjasarvamaa.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-07-03 | |
babysteps.fi | http://babysteps.fi/ | 2025-07-03 | |
capitalofmetal.fi | https://www.capitalofmetal.fi/ | 2025-01-31 | |
cmndata.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-07-03 | |
coolfashion.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-07-06 | |
datafinland.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-07-04 | |
decoraredesign.fi | https://www.decoraredesign.fi/ | 2025-07-06 | |
editorum.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-10-01 | |
equitrack.fi | http://www.equitrack.fi/ | 2025-07-03 | |
etofinlandia.fi | http://www.etofinlandia.fi/ | 2025-09-17 | |
euelamassani.fi | http://www.euelamassani.fi/ | 2025-05-06 | |
eurooppa-tiedotus.fi | http://www.eurooppa-tiedotus.fi/ | 2025-08-31 | |
europainformationen.fi | https://eurooppatiedotus.fi/sv/ | 2025-09-24 | |
finconsul.fi | http://www.finconsul.fi/ | 2025-02-27 | |
finlandabroad.fi | https://finlandabroad.fi/etusivu | 2025-08-16 | |
finlandappointment.fi | No DNS records found | 2027-02-20 | |
finland.fi | https://finland.fi/ | 2025-03-10 | |
finlandtoolbox.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-04-02 | |
finlandutomlands.fi | https://finlandabroad.fi/forsta-sidan | 2025-08-16 | |
finlandvisa.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-05-14 | |
formacad.fi | http://www.formacad.fi/ | 2025-07-03 | |
formin-extranet.fi | https://login.microsoftonline.com/cd606808-9192-4bc7-8f35-8f... | 2024-12-19 | |
formin.fi | https://um.fi/ | 2025-08-31 | |
forminrec.fi | http://www.forminrec.fi/ | 2025-04-25 | |
helsinkiprocess.fi | http://helsinkiprocess.fi/ | 2025-10-30 | |
highereducationfinland.fi | Expired 2023-04-30 | ||
hippomarin.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-07-03 | |
informe.fi | http://www.informe.fi/ | Non public Ficora domain | |
innostaff.fi | http://www.innostaff.fi/ | 2025-07-03 | |
ironwill.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-07-06 | |
jphlvi.fi | http://www.jphlvi.fi/ | 2025-07-05 | |
karikonautotalo.fi | http://www.karikonautotalo.fi/ | 2025-07-05 | |
kauppapolitiikka.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-08-31 | |
kehitys-lehti.fi | http://www.kehitys-lehti.fi/ | 2025-01-28 | |
kehityslehti.fi | http://kehityslehti.fi/ | 2025-01-28 | |
kehityspoliittinentoimikunta.fi | https://www.kehityspoliittinentoimikunta.fi/ | 2025-11-01 | |
kehitys-utveckling.fi | https://kehityslehti.fi/ | 2025-01-28 | |
laheiseksi.fi | http://www.laheiseksi.fi/ | 2025-07-06 | |
linking.fi | http://www.linking.fi/ | 2025-07-03 | |
livinginfinland.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-02-22 | |
maailma2030.fi | http://www.maailma2030.fi/ | 2025-06-12 | |
maakuva.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-03-12 | |
mainossanoma.fi | http://www.mainossanoma.fi/ | 2025-07-03 | |
matkustusilmoitus.fi | https://matkustusilmoitus.fi/public_html?command=browse | 2025-03-20 | |
matkustusturvallisuus.fi | https://um.fi/matkustaminen | 2025-11-26 | |
menorengas.fi | http://www.menorengas.fi/ | 2025-07-03 | |
mukelomesta.fi | http://www.mukelomesta.fi/ | 2025-07-03 | |
nevac.fi | https://login.microsoftonline.com/93eefc84-758b-4dea-aa1b-01... | 2025-07-03 | |
norden2016.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-01-22 | |
omaistiedustelu.fi | https://matkustusilmoitus.fi/public_html?command=browse | 2025-05-23 | |
openaid.fi | http://www.openaid.fi/ | 2025-04-01 | |
paraspakkaus.fi | http://www.paraspakkaus.fi/ | 2025-07-03 | |
phkolme.fi | http://www.maistidigital.com/ | 2025-07-03 | |
piukatpaikathml.fi | https://piukatpaikathml.fi/wp/ | 2025-07-06 | |
raccontisullafinlandia.fi | Expired 2020-12-07 | ||
reissaafiksusti.fi | http://www.reissaafiksusti.fi/ | 2025-11-23 | |
reseanmalan.fi | https://matkustusilmoitus.fi/public_html?command=browse | 2025-03-20 | |
romoromo.fi | http://www.romoromo.fi/ | 2025-07-03 | |
scanwel.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-07-03 | |
selkacenter.fi | https://www.fysios.fi/toimipisteet/helsinki-fysioterapia/hel... | 2025-07-03 | |
serdico.fi | http://www.serdico.fi/ | Non public Ficora domain | |
solitek.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-07-03 | |
styland.fi | http://www.styland.fi/ | 2025-07-03 | |
suomiulkomailla.fi | https://finlandabroad.fi/etusivu | 2025-08-16 | |
svjpalvelut.fi | https://svjpalvelut.fi/ | 2025-07-05 | |
thevirtualfinland.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-04-20 | |
thisisfinland.fi | https://finland.fi/ | 2024-12-22 | |
tinas.fi | http://www.tinas.fi/ | 2025-07-03 | |
toinentalo.fi | http://www.toinentalo.fi/ | 2025-07-03 | |
truckoil.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-07-06 | |
t-time.fi | http://www.t-time.fi/ | 2025-07-03 | |
uhnet.fi | http://www.uhnet.fi/ | 2025-08-31 | |
ulkoasiainministerio.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-01-27 | |
ulkoministerio.fi | http://www.ulkoministerio.fi/ | 2025-01-27 | |
um.fi | https://um.fi/ | 2025-05-16 | |
umvisa.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-06-10 | |
umvisu.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-06-11 | |
untilweact.fi | https://untilweact.fi/ | 2025-10-28 | |
utrikesministeriet.fi | https://um.fi/ | 2025-01-27 | |
uugekojola.fi | http://www.uugekojola.fi/ | 2025-07-03 | |
varlden2030.fi | https://maailma2030.fi/sv/hem/ | 2025-04-02 | |
visatofinland.fi | http://www.visatofinland.fi/ | 2025-05-14 | |
voicilafinlande.fi | https://finland.fi/fr/ | 2025-05-20 |