Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) and Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)State | Registered |
Holder | PL 15, Finland |
Grant Date | 2017-04-07 |
Last Validity Date | 2025-04-07 |
Registrar | Name SRS AB 10901 HANKO |
Name Servers Please see DNS section for details | ns1.dnshost.net ns2.dnshost.net |
Is The DNSSec in Use | No |
IANA details for suffix | Top Level Domain (TLD): FI TLD manager: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom Domain type: Country-code |
Server IP location
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-09-04 21:35WARNING: Please notice that the location may be totally wrong if server uses e.g. reverse proxy like Cloudflare
IP source | IP address | ASN block data | IP Geolocation |
User IP | | This is not retrieved for now | Country: United States (US) State: Virginia (VA) City: Ashburn Postal code: 20149 Latitude: 39.0481 Longitude: -77.4728 Network: |
Server IP | Autonomous System (AS) #: 209242 BGP prefix: Country Code: US Registry: arin Allocated: 2020-06-17 Info: CLOUDFLARESPECTRUM Cloudflare, Inc., GB | Country: Canada (CA) City: Postal code: Latitude: 43.6319 Longitude: -79.3716 Network: |
This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from https://www.maxmind.com.
Word cloud for tylohelo.fi
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-09-04 21:35Notice: Miscellaneous words removed from the cloud to enhance the analytics
Web page details for tylohelo.fi
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-12-03 04:47Header data & Meta tags | title TylöHelo - Tuotemerkkimme author Sauna360 Group viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1 generator HubSpot not_found emptyIE=edge,chrome=1. Olemme TylöHelo, maailman johtava sauna- ja höyryvalmistaja. Tekemisemme ja kokemuksemme hyvinvoinnista erottavat meidät muista.. TylöHelo - Tuotemerkkimme. https://www.tylohelo.com/hubfs/assembly-1.jpg#keepProtocol. https://www.tylohelo.com/fi/. fi. description Olemme TylöHelo, maailman johtava sauna- ja höyryvalmistaja. Tekemisemme ja kokemuksemme hyvinvoinnista erottavat meidät muista. google-site-verification _18cuJ2OWUmzGABUe-LEHtl9rzPXATZ-MBefF9XGc64 facebook-domain-verification oiyi226u9kug12ovxztinwsrc52b8s |
Open Graph (OG) meta tags | og:url https://www.tylohelo.com/fi/ og:image https://www.tylohelo.com/hubfs/assembly-1.jpg#keepProtocol og:title TylöHelo - Tuotemerkkimme og:description Olemme TylöHelo, maailman johtava sauna- ja höyryvalmistaja. Tekemisemme ja kokemuksemme hyvinvoinnista erottavat meidät muista. |
Twitter cards | twitter:card summary twitter:image https://www.tylohelo.com/hubfs/assembly-1.jpg#keepProtocol twitter:title TylöHelo - Tuotemerkkimme twitter:description Olemme TylöHelo, maailman johtava sauna- ja höyryvalmistaja. Tekemisemme ja kokemuksemme hyvinvoinnista erottavat meidät muista. |
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) (CSS) | /hs/hsstatic/cos-languageswitcher/static-1.11/sass/languageswitcher.css https://www.tylohelo.com/hs-fs/hub/379485/hub_generated/module_assets/29111530845/1620023923567/module_29111530845_media_and_text_link.min.css https://www.tylohelo.com/hs-fs/hub/379485/hub_generated/module_assets/36750547514/1615189404957/module_36750547514_tyl_-_header_-_menu.min.css //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/7052064/hub_generated/template_assets/1669904585917/hubspot/hubspot_default/shared/responsive/layout.min.css https://www.tylohelo.com/hs-fs/hub/379485/hub_generated/module_assets/1566996975771/module_12488430829_root_ty_-_modules_social_media_-_footer.min.css https://www.tylohelo.com/hs-fs/hub/379485/hub_generated/template_assets/4973488878/1625637851176/coded_files/custom/page/hubspot_marketplace/style_launchpad.min.css //cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/animate.css/3.2.0/animate.min.css https://www.tylohelo.com/hs-fs/hub/379485/hub_generated/module_assets/34784577916/1610437142164/module_34784577916_find-dealer_sticky.min.css https://www.tylohelo.com/hs-fs/hub/379485/hub_generated/module_assets/33527601038/1608130603553/module_33527601038_video_and_text_hero.min.css https://www.tylohelo.com/hs-fs/hub/379485/hub_generated/module_assets/6829638960/1586252779691/module_6829638960_popup_search_results.min.css https://www.tylohelo.com/hs-fs/hub/379485/hub_generated/module_assets/12489071019/1585066025813/module_12489071019_simple_image.min.css https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=material+icons https://www.tylohelo.com/hs-fs/hub/379485/hub_generated/module_assets/36097533083/1615213329363/module_36097533083_feature_block.min.css https://www.tylohelo.com/hs-fs/hub/379485/hub_generated/module_assets/12702224195/1585065893394/module_12702224195_blog_-_3_latest_posts.min.css https://www.tylohelo.com/hs-fs/hub/379485/hub_generated/module_assets/12695120222/1619769571126/module_12695120222_media_and_text.min.css https://www.tylohelo.com/hs-fs/hub/379485/hub_generated/module_assets/9816712262/1579532721526/module_9816712262_language_suggestion_block.min.css |
Social Media (SOME) links | Having Social Media content is highly recommended for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) |
JavaScript libraries | https://3275719.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/3275719/hs_marketplace_assets/modules/site%20search%20results/0/template.js /hs/scriptloader/379485.js https://www.tylohelo.com/hs-fs/hub/379485/hub_generated/template_assets/638705109/1615454224001/coded_files/custom/page/tylo_theme/tylomain.js https://polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?flags=gated&features=object.assign%2cintersectionobserver /hs/hsstatic/hubspottoolsmenu/static-1.138/js/index.js https://www.tylohelo.com/hs-fs/hub/379485/hub_generated/template_assets/27465600227/1587484801412/coded_files/custom/page/js/lazy-loading.min.js https://3275719.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/3275719/hs_marketplace_assets/modules/site%20search%20results/0/url-search-params.js https://www.tylohelo.com/hs-fs/hub/379485/hub_generated/template_assets/4973488800/1587484798788/coded_files/custom/page/hubspot_marketplace/script_launchpad.min.js /hs/cta/cta/current.js /hs/hsstatic/cos-i18n/static-1.53/bundles/project.js https://www.tylohelo.com/hs-fs/hub/379485/hub_generated/module_assets/9816712262/1579532721454/module_9816712262_language_suggestion_block.min.js /hs/hsstatic/jquery-libs/static-1.1/jquery/jquery-1.7.1.js https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/lozad/dist/lozad.min.js https://www.tylohelo.com/hs-fs/hub/379485/hub_generated/module_assets/6829638960/1586252779609/module_6829638960_popup_search_results.min.js /hs/hsstatic/keyboard-accessible-menu-flyouts/static-1.17/bundles/project.js |
Cookie data for tylohelo.fi
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-12-03 04:47Number of cookies: 9
Cookie domain | Cookie values |
hubspot.com | Cookie name: __cf_bm Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends) Cookie size: 152 bytes |
tylohelo.com | Cookie name: _fbp Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends) Cookie size: 32 bytes |
tylohelo.com | Cookie name: _ga_02XER1CMVW Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends) Cookie size: 52 bytes |
tylohelo.com | Cookie name: _ga Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends) Cookie size: 29 bytes |
tylohelo.com | Cookie name: _gid Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends) Cookie size: 30 bytes |
tylohelo.com | Cookie name: _gat_UA-12110910-16 Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends) Cookie size: 20 bytes |
www.tylohelo.com | Cookie name: __cfruid Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends) Cookie size: 59 bytes |
www.tylohelo.com | Cookie name: __cf_bm Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends) Cookie size: 152 bytes |
www.tylohelo.com | Cookie name: testlastUip Cookie expiry/purpose: Session cookie (removed after session ends) Cookie size: 37 bytes |
Screenshot for tylohelo.fi
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-09-04 21:35
DNS records for tylohelo.fi
Source: DNS reponse - Timestamp: 2022-09-04 21:35A | tylohelo.fi (Time to Live: 3600) |
NS | ns1.dnshost.net
SOA | tylohelo.fi ns1.dnshost.net (Time to Live: 21600) zonemaster.dnshost.net |
TXT | test |
Whois record history for tylohelo.fi
Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom)Showing latest max 5 detected changes in the records. Changes are highlighted
Date | 2021-02-25 | 2021-03-07 | 2022-03-07 | 2023-03-07 | 2024-03-07 |
Name | tylohelo.fi | tylohelo.fi | tylohelo.fi | tylohelo.fi | tylohelo.fi |
State | Registered | Registered | Registered | Registered | Registered |
Holder | TyloHelo Group Oy | TyloHelo Group Oy | TyloHelo Group Oy | TyloHelo Group Oy | TyloHelo Group Oy |
Address | PL 15 | PL 15 | PL 15 | PL 15 | PL 15 |
Country | Finland (FI) | Finland (FI) | Finland (FI) | Finland (FI) | Finland (FI) |
GrantDate | 2017-04-07T16:22:49.587 | 2017-04-07T16:22:49.587 | 2017-04-07T16:22:49.587 | 2017-04-07T16:22:49.587 | 2017-04-07T16:22:49.587 |
Registrar | Name SRS AB | Name SRS AB | Name SRS AB | Name SRS AB | Name SRS AB |
PostalCode | 10901 | 10901 | 10901 | 10901 | 10901 |
NameServer1 | ns1.dnshost.net | ns1.dnshost.net | ns1.dnshost.net | ns1.dnshost.net | ns1.dnshost.net |
NameServer2 | ns2.dnshost.net | ns2.dnshost.net | ns2.dnshost.net | ns2.dnshost.net | ns2.dnshost.net |
PhoneNumber | |||||
IsDNSSecInUse | no | no | no | no | no |
OrganizationId | 2068197-4 | 2068197-4 | 2068197-4 | 2068197-4 | 2068197-4 |
AssociationType | Company | Company | Company | Company | Company |
LastValidityDate | 2021-04-07T16:22:49.587 | 2022-04-07T16:22:49.587 | 2023-04-07T16:22:49.587 | 2024-04-07T16:22:49.587 | 2025-04-07T16:22:49.587 |
DepartmentOrContactPerson |
Server response for tylohelo.fi
Source: Web server reponse - Timestamp: 2022-09-04 21:35Final URL | https://www.tylohelo.com/fi/ |
HTTP Return Code | HTTP/1.1 200 OK |
IP Address | Autonomous System (AS) #: 209242 BGP prefix: Country Code: United States (US) Registry: arin Allocated: 2020-06-17 Info: CLOUDFLARESPECTRUM Cloudflare, Inc., GB |
Server Header | Server: Cloudflare Via: |
Certificate | Issued By: Cloudflare, Inc. Issuer details: O=Cloudflare, Inc., United States (US) Issuer details: CN=Cloudflare Inc ECC CA-3 Version: 2 Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256 Issued On: 2022-05-05 00:00:00 Expires On: 2023-05-06 00:00:00 |
Certificate Subject | Country (C): US Location (L): San Francisco Organization (O): Cloudflare, Inc. Common Name (CN): www.tylohelo.com |
Certificate Alternative Names | www.tylohelo.com |
Used technologies on tylohelo.fi
Source: Web page analysis - Timestamp: 2022-09-04 21:35Latest review | 2022-09-04 21:35 |
Page language (from header) | (This is often false!) |
Technologies | Apache 2.2.16 (Web Servers) (100% propable) Debian (Operating Systems) (100% propable) |
Known subdomains for tylohelo.fi
Source: Search engines and DNS records (NOTICE: Most may not be reachable (internal/DMZ/obsolete)). Showing max rows 700Number of subdomains found: 1
Subdomain | IP address |
www.tylohelo.fi | |
Web hosting providers
Source: All valid company websites with content (see below table)
Domains owned by same owner (current and past)
Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom)Number of domains: 14
Domain name | Final URL (when last tested) | Links | Last validity |
helocenter.fi | Expired 2020-11-19 | ||
helodeco.fi | http://www.tylohelo.com/fi | 2024-12-21 | |
helo.fi | http://tylohelo.com/fi | 2025-08-31 | |
helo-kiuas.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-01-31 | |
helokiuas.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-01-31 | |
helosauna.fi | Expired 2024-08-21 | ||
helosaunas.fi | Expired 2024-09-22 | ||
kastor.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-08-31 | |
sauna360.fi | http://www.sauna360.fi/ | 2024-12-08 | |
saunatec.fi | Expired 2020-08-30 | ||
tylo.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-09-30 | |
tylö.fi | https://www.tylohelo.com/fi/ | 2025-01-29 | |
tylohelo.fi | https://www.tylohelo.com/fi/ | 2025-04-07 | |
tylöhelo.fi | https://www.tylohelo.com/fi/ | 2025-04-07 |