Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) and Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)State | Registered |
Holder | Kuntokatu 3, Finland +3583245211 |
Grant Date | 2015-10-01 |
Last Validity Date | 2018-09-30 |
Registrar | Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu Oy 33520 Tampere |
Name Servers Please see DNS section for details | ns1.tamk.fi ns2.tamk.fi ns-secondary.funet.fi |
Is The DNSSec in Use | No |
IANA details for suffix | Top Level Domain (TLD): FI TLD manager: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom Domain type: Country-code |
Server IP location
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2019-05-05 03:21WARNING: Please notice that the location may be totally wrong if server uses e.g. reverse proxy like Cloudflare
IP source | IP address | ASN block data | IP Geolocation |
User IP | | This is not retrieved for now | Country: United States (US) City: Postal code: Latitude: 37.751 Longitude: -97.822 Network: |
Server IP | Autonomous System (AS) #: 204353 BGP prefix: Country Code: SC Registry: afrinic Allocated: 2008-11-11 Info: GLOBALOFFSHORE, GB | Country: Singapore (SG) City: Singapore Postal code: 18 Latitude: 1.2929 Longitude: 103.8547 Network: |
This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from https://www.maxmind.com.
Word cloud for taito2016.fi
Sorry, not enough data to parse a word cloud for this site at this time
Screenshot for taito2016.fi
DNS records for taito2016.fi
Source: DNS reponse - Timestamp: 2019-05-05 03:21A | taito2016.fi (Time to Live: 10800) |
MX | smtp.tamk.fi (Time to Live: 10800) |
NS | ns2.tamk.fins-secondary.funet.fins1.tamk.fi |
Whois record history for taito2016.fi
Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom)Showing latest max 5 detected changes in the records. Changes are highlighted
Date | 2018-04-02 | 2018-05-05 |
Name | taito2016.fi | taito2016.fi |
State | Registered | Registered |
Holder | Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu Oy | Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu Oy |
Address | Kuntokatu 3 | Kuntokatu 3 |
Country | Finland (FI) | Finland (FI) |
GrantDate | 2015-10-01T13:12:50 | 2015-10-01T13:12:50 |
Registrar | Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu Oy | Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu Oy |
PostalArea | Tampere | Tampere |
PostalCode | 33520 | 33520 |
NameServer1 | ns1.tamk.fi | ns1.tamk.fi |
NameServer2 | ns2.tamk.fi | ns2.tamk.fi |
NameServer3 | ns-secondary.funet.fi | ns-secondary.funet.fi |
PhoneNumber | +3583245211 | +3583245211 |
IsDNSSecInUse | no | no |
OrganizationId | 1015428-1 | 1015428-1 |
AssociationType | Company | Company |
LastValidityDate | 2018-09-30T15:36:11 | 2018-09-30T15:36:11 |
DepartmentOrContactPerson | Sari Himanen |
Server response for taito2016.fi
Source: Web server reponse - Timestamp: 2019-05-05 03:21Final URL | http://www.taito2016.fi/ |
HTTP Return Code | HTTP/1.1 200 OK |
IP Address | Autonomous System (AS) #: 204353 BGP prefix: Country Code: Seychelles (SC) Registry: afrinic Allocated: 2008-11-11 Info: GLOBALOFFSHORE, GB |
Server Header | Server: Apache Via: |
Certificate | Issued By: cPanel, Inc. Issuer details: O=cPanel, Inc., United States (US) Issuer details: CN=cPanel, Inc. Certification Authority Version: 2 Algorithm: RSA-SHA256 Issued On: 2019-01-19 00:00:00 Expires On: 2019-04-20 00:00:00 |
Certificate Subject | Country (C): Location (L): Organization (O): Common Name (CN): taito2016.fi |
Certificate Alternative Names | taito2016.fi cpanel.taito2016.fi mail.taito2016.fi webdisk.taito2016.fi webmail.taito2016.fi www.taito2016.fi |
Used technologies on taito2016.fi
Source: Web page analysis - Timestamp: 2019-05-05 03:21Latest review | |
Page language (from header) | (This is often false!) |
Technologies |
Known subdomains for taito2016.fi
Source: Search engines and DNS records (NOTICE: Most may not be reachable (internal/DMZ/obsolete)). Showing max rows 700No subdomains found
Web hosting providers
Source: All valid company websites with content (see below table)
Domains owned by same owner (current and past)
Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom)Number of domains: 60
Domain name | Final URL (when last tested) | Links | Last validity |
3dpirkanmaa.fi | http://www.3dpirkanmaa.fi/ | 2027-01-23 | |
agileamk.fi | Expired 2019-09-22 | ||
amk.fi | https://moodle.amk.fi/ | 2026-08-31 | |
co-studio.fi | Expired 2019-10-20 | ||
digma.fi | https://moodle.amk.fi/ | 2026-08-11 | |
drone-osaaja.fi | Expired 2024-02-20 | ||
dunderberg.fi | https://www.dunderberg.fi/ | 2025-06-05 | |
elaytyenosalliseksi.fi | https://projects.tuni.fi/elaytyenosalliseksi/ | 2027-10-14 | |
etanaenemman.fi | https://www.etanaenemman.fi/ | 2027-04-18 | |
experimentaltampere.fi | Expired 2019-11-17 | ||
finheonline.fi | Expired 2024-11-30 | ||
fms-ajokortti.fi | Expired 2021-03-09 | ||
fusilli.fi | http://www.fusilli.fi/ | 2028-03-10 | |
gamesacademy.fi | http://www.gamesacademy.fi/ | 2025-10-24 | |
growthmakers.fi | Expired 2019-12-13 | ||
heonline.fi | Expired 2024-11-30 | ||
hubs.fi | http://www.hubs.fi/ | 2025-07-02 | |
ideakumppani.fi | http://www.ideakumppani.fi/ | 2025-12-21 | |
innoevent.fi | https://hubs.fi/sprint-innovation-festival/ | 2025-09-16 | |
innovaatioperustus.fi | Expired 2022-10-06 | ||
insinooritsatavuotta.fi | No DNS records found | 2026-08-31 | |
jobiili-cdn.fi | Expired 2022-11-02 | ||
jobiili.fi | https://www.jobiili.fi/#/ | 2026-08-15 | |
kohtikorkeakoulua.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-11-30 | |
korkeakoulut.fi | Expired 2000-12-31 | ||
learnet.fi | Expired 2021-06-11 | ||
loginno.fi | Expired 2021-05-25 | ||
logivo.fi | Expired 2019-12-31 | ||
mateas.fi | Expired 2022-06-14 | ||
newopenenergy.fi | Expired 2019-09-22 | ||
oncampus.fi | Expired 2018-09-18 | ||
onlineeducation.fi | Expired 2024-11-30 | ||
oppimisanalytiikkasuosituksia.fi | No DNS records found | 2026-06-30 | |
pelikoulutus.fi | http://www.pelikoulutus.fi/ | 2025-03-17 | |
piramk.fi | https://www.tuni.fi/fi/tutustu-meihin/tamk | 2026-10-07 | |
porttityoelamaan.fi | http://www.porttityoelamaan.fi/ | 2025-09-18 | |
proakatemia.fi | http://www.proakatemia.fi/ | 2026-09-11 | |
puusuutarit.fi | http://www.puusuutarit.fi/ | 2025-11-04 | |
saleshackers.fi | Expired 2024-05-09 | ||
smartetruck.fi | Expired 2023-04-08 | ||
sometaduuniin.fi | https://sometaduuniin.fi/ | 2026-02-13 | |
sprintfestival.fi | https://hubs.fi/sprint-innovation-festival/ | 2025-04-26 | |
sujuvastisoteen.fi | No DNS records found | 2027-10-17 | |
surewp4.fi | Expired 2022-04-22 | ||
taito2016.fi | Expired 2018-09-30 | ||
taito2017.fi | Expired 2019-10-03 | ||
tamk.fi | https://www.tuni.fi/fi/tutustu-meihin/tamk | 2026-08-31 | |
teachereducation.fi | Expired 2024-11-30 | ||
teachertraining.fi | Expired 2024-11-30 | ||
tesomanmiahet.fi | Expired 2018-12-19 | ||
tpu.fi | https://www.tuni.fi/fi/tutustu-meihin/tamk | 2026-08-31 | |
uasfinland.fi | Expired 2024-11-30 | ||
uusiavoinenergia.fi | Expired 2019-09-22 | ||
valit.fi | Expired 2019-10-06 | ||
virtuaaliviipuri.fi | https://www.virtuaaliviipuri.fi/ | 2026-02-02 | |
virtualyh.fi | Expired 2018-09-18 | ||
vlabforhealth.fi | https://sites.tuni.fi/vlabforhealth-fi/ | 2025-04-15 | |
yhdessadigimmin.fi | No DNS records found | 2028-02-27 | |
ylinnappiauki.fi | Expired 2020-03-05 | ||
y-makers.fi | Expired 2021-07-31 |