Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) and Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)State | Registered |
Holder | Fawwara Building, Malta |
Grant Date | 2022-08-22 |
Last Validity Date | 2025-08-22 |
Registrar | Key-Systems GmbH GZR1401 Il-Gzira |
Name Servers Please see DNS section for details | priscilla.ns.cloudflare.com will.ns.cloudflare.com |
Is The DNSSec in Use | No |
IANA details for suffix | Top Level Domain (TLD): FI TLD manager: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom Domain type: Country-code |
Server IP location
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-10-05 08:49WARNING: Please notice that the location may be totally wrong if server uses e.g. reverse proxy like Cloudflare
IP source | IP address | ASN block data | IP Geolocation |
User IP | | This is not retrieved for now | Country: United States (US) City: Postal code: Latitude: 37.751 Longitude: -97.822 Network: |
Server IP | Autonomous System (AS) #: 13335 BGP prefix: Country Code: US Registry: arin Allocated: 2015-02-25 Info: CLOUDFLARENET, US | Country: United States (US) City: Postal code: Latitude: 37.751 Longitude: -97.822 Network: |
This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from https://www.maxmind.com.
Word cloud for emute.fi
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-10-05 08:49Notice: Miscellaneous words removed from the cloud to enhance the analytics
Web page details for emute.fi
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-12-01 17:26Header data & Meta tags | title VPN-yhteys | Kuinka luoda turvallisempi nettikokemus robots index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1, max-image-preview:large viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1 generator WordPress 6.1.1 not_found emptyfi_FI. website. VPN-yhteys | Kuinka luoda turvallisempi nettikokemus. VPN sopii moniin tarkoituksiin. Lue mikä on huipputurvallinen VPN-yhteys, kenelle se sopii ja kuinka saat sen käyttöösi!. https://emute.fi/. emute.fi. 2022-09-06T09:50:46+00:00. https://emute.fi/wp-content/uploads/photo-1-3-e1662222100905.png. https://emute.fi/wp-content/uploads/photo-1-3-e1662222100905.png. 1100. 733. VPN-yhteys. image/png. 2022-09-03T14:00:06+00:00. 2022-09-06T09:50:46+00:00. description VPN sopii moniin tarkoituksiin. Lue mikä on huipputurvallinen VPN-yhteys, kenelle se sopii ja kuinka saat sen käyttöösi! msapplication-tileimage https://emute.fi/wp-content/uploads/favicon.webp |
Open Graph (OG) meta tags | og:url https://emute.fi/ og:type website og:image https://emute.fi/wp-content/uploads/photo-1-3-e1662222100905.png og:title VPN-yhteys | Kuinka luoda turvallisempi nettikokemus og:locale fi_FI og:image:alt VPN-yhteys og:site_name emute.fi og:image:type image/png og:description VPN sopii moniin tarkoituksiin. Lue mikä on huipputurvallinen VPN-yhteys, kenelle se sopii ja kuinka saat sen käyttöösi! og:image:width 1100 og:image:height 733 og:updated_time 2022-09-06T09:50:46+00:00 og:image:secure_url https://emute.fi/wp-content/uploads/photo-1-3-e1662222100905.png |
Twitter cards | twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:data1 Jonna twitter:data2 4 minutes twitter:image https://emute.fi/wp-content/uploads/photo-1-3-e1662222100905.png twitter:title VPN-yhteys | Kuinka luoda turvallisempi nettikokemus twitter:label1 Written by twitter:label2 Time to read twitter:description VPN sopii moniin tarkoituksiin. Lue mikä on huipputurvallinen VPN-yhteys, kenelle se sopii ja kuinka saat sen käyttöösi! |
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) (CSS) | https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/lib/eicons/css/elementor-icons.min.css?ver=5.16.0 https://emute.fi/wp-content/themes/hello-elementor/theme.min.css?ver=2.6.1 https://emute.fi/wp-content/themes/hello-theme-child-master/style.css?ver=1.0.0 https://emute.fi/wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css?ver=6.1.1 https://emute.fi/wp-content/uploads/elementor/css/post-39.css?ver=1669440272 https://emute.fi/wp-content/uploads/elementor/css/post-19.css?ver=1669440272 https://emute.fi/wp-content/uploads/elementor/css/post-47.css?ver=1669440272 https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/lib/font-awesome/css/solid.min.css?ver=5.15.3 https://emute.fi/wp-content/uploads/elementor/css/post-61.css?ver=1669440272 https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/lib/font-awesome/css/regular.min.css?ver=5.15.3 https://emute.fi/wp-content/themes/hello-elementor/style.min.css?ver=2.6.1 https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/css/frontend.min.css?ver=3.8.1 https://emute.fi/wp-includes/css/classic-themes.min.css?ver=1 https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor-pro/assets/css/frontend.min.css?ver=3.8.2 https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/css/frontend-legacy.min.css?ver=3.8.1 https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=poppins%3a100%2c100italic%2c200%2c200italic%2c300%2c300italic%2c400%2c400italic%2c500%2c500italic%2c600%2c600italic%2c700%2c700italic%2c800%2c800italic%2c900%2c900italic%7cfasthand%3a100%2c100italic%2c200%2c200italic%2c300%2c300italic%2c400%2c400italic%2c500%2c500italic%2c600%2c600italic%2c700%2c700italic%2c800%2c800italic%2c900%2c900italic%7cdm+sans%3a100%2c100italic%2c200%2c200italic%2c300%2c300italic%2c400%2c400italic%2c500%2c500italic%2c600%2c600italic%2c700%2c700italic%2c800%2c800italic%2c900%2c900italic&display=auto&ver=6.1.1 https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/lib/font-awesome/css/fontawesome.min.css?ver=5.15.3 https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/lib/animations/animations.min.css?ver=3.8.1 |
Social Media (SOME) links | Having Social Media content is highly recommended for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) |
JavaScript libraries | https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor-pro/assets/js/webpack-pro.runtime.min.js?ver=3.8.2 https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/lib/waypoints/waypoints.min.js?ver=4.0.2 https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor-pro/assets/js/preloaded-elements-handlers.min.js?ver=3.8.2 https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor-pro/assets/lib/smartmenus/jquery.smartmenus.min.js?ver=1.0.1 https://emute.fi/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/regenerator-runtime.min.js?ver=0.13.9 https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/lib/share-link/share-link.min.js?ver=3.8.1 https://emute.fi/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/wp-polyfill.min.js?ver=3.15.0 /cdn-cgi/scripts/7d0fa10a/cloudflare-static/rocket-loader.min.js https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/js/webpack.runtime.min.js?ver=3.8.1 https://emute.fi/wp-includes/js/dist/hooks.min.js?ver=4169d3cf8e8d95a3d6d5 /cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/js/preloaded-modules.min.js?ver=3.8.1 https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/js/frontend.min.js?ver=3.8.1 https://emute.fi/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/core.min.js?ver=1.13.2 https://emute.fi/wp-includes/js/imagesloaded.min.js?ver=4.1.4 https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/js/frontend-modules.min.js?ver=3.8.1 https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor-pro/assets/lib/sticky/jquery.sticky.min.js?ver=3.8.2 https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/lib/swiper/swiper.min.js?ver=5.3.6 https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/lib/dialog/dialog.min.js?ver=4.9.0 https://emute.fi/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.1 https://emute.fi/wp-content/plugins/elementor-pro/assets/js/frontend.min.js?ver=3.8.2 https://emute.fi/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=3.3.2 https://emute.fi/wp-includes/js/dist/i18n.min.js?ver=9e794f35a71bb98672ae |
Cookie data for emute.fi
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-12-01 17:26Number of cookies: 0
Cookie domain | Cookie values |
Screenshot for emute.fi
Source: Actual web page - Timestamp: 2022-10-05 08:49
DNS records for emute.fi
Source: DNS reponse - Timestamp: 2022-10-05 08:49A | emute.fi (Time to Live: 298) emute.fi (Time to Live: 298) |
AAAA | emute.fi 2606:4700:3031::6815:1413 (Time to Live: 298) emute.fi 2606:4700:3032::ac43:bed7 (Time to Live: 298) |
NS | liz.ns.cloudflare.com
SOA | emute.fi liz.ns.cloudflare.com (Time to Live: 3600) dns.cloudflare.com |
TXT | google-site-verification=FhjljTqNldKd3Epxos2PiLsKoTGqJI_rLshYszuRV9U |
Whois record history for emute.fi
Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom)Showing latest max 5 detected changes in the records. Changes are highlighted
Date | 2022-11-28 | 2023-07-19 | 2023-10-07 | 2024-01-31 | 2024-08-07 |
Name | emute.fi | emute.fi | emute.fi | emute.fi | emute.fi |
State | Registered | Registered | Registered | Registered | Registered |
Holder | SEO Butler ApS | SEO-Butler.dk ltd. | SEO-Butler.dk ltd. | SEO-Butler.dk ltd. | SEO-Butler.dk ltd. |
Address | vestergade | Fawwara Building | Fawwara Building | Fawwara Building | Fawwara Building |
Country | Denmark (DK) | Malta (MT) | Malta (MT) | Malta (MT) | Malta (MT) |
GrantDate | 2022-08-22T09:52:59.18 | 2022-08-22T09:52:59.18 | 2022-08-22T09:52:59.18 | 2022-08-22T09:52:59.18 | 2022-08-22T09:52:59.18 |
Registrar | Planeetta Internet Oy | Key-Systems GmbH | Key-Systems GmbH | Key-Systems GmbH | Key-Systems GmbH |
PostalArea | odense c | Il-Gzira | Il-Gzira | Il-Gzira | Il-Gzira |
PostalCode | 5000 | GZR1401 | GZR1401 | GZR1401 | GZR1401 |
NameServer1 | liz.ns.cloudflare.com | liz.ns.cloudflare.com | jon.quicns.com | priscilla.ns.cloudflare.com | priscilla.ns.cloudflare.com |
NameServer2 | walt.ns.cloudflare.com | walt.ns.cloudflare.com | kevin.quicns.com | will.ns.cloudflare.com | will.ns.cloudflare.com |
PhoneNumber | |||||
IsDNSSecInUse | no | no | no | no | no |
OrganizationId | 1234567-1 | 1234567-1 | 1234567-1 | 1234567-1 | 1234567-1 |
AssociationType | Company | Company | Company | Company | Company |
LastValidityDate | 2024-08-22T09:52:59.18 | 2024-08-22T09:52:59.18 | 2024-08-22T09:52:59.18 | 2024-08-22T09:52:59.18 | 2025-08-22T09:52:59.18 |
DepartmentOrContactPerson |
Server response for emute.fi
Source: Web server reponse - Timestamp: 2022-10-05 08:49Final URL | https://emute.fi/ |
HTTP Return Code | HTTP/1.1 200 OK |
IP Address | Autonomous System (AS) #: 13335 BGP prefix: Country Code: United States (US) Registry: arin Allocated: 2015-02-25 Info: CLOUDFLARENET, US |
Server Header | Server: Cloudflare Via: |
Certificate | Issued By: Let's Encrypt Issuer details: O=Let's Encrypt, United States (US) Issuer details: CN=E1 Version: 2 Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA384 Issued On: 2022-08-24 00:00:00 Expires On: 2022-11-22 00:00:00 |
Certificate Subject | Country (C): Location (L): Organization (O): Common Name (CN): *.emute.fi |
Certificate Alternative Names | *.emute.fi emute.fi |
Used technologies on emute.fi
Source: Web page analysis - Timestamp: 2022-10-05 08:49Latest review | 2022-10-05 08:49 |
Page language (from header) | (This is often false!) |
Technologies |
Known subdomains for emute.fi
Source: Search engines and DNS records (NOTICE: Most may not be reachable (internal/DMZ/obsolete)). Showing max rows 700No subdomains found
Web hosting providers
Source: All valid company websites with content (see below table)
Domains owned by same owner (current and past)
Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom)Number of domains: 55
Domain name | Final URL (when last tested) | Links | Last validity |
accountinfoservciesing.fi | Expired 2019-11-27 | ||
aerospace.fi | http://www.aerospace.fi/ | 2025-07-30 | |
arkitekt.fi | Expired 2020-03-07 | ||
bitsecurity.fi | Expired 2023-04-06 | ||
blegrator.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-06-03 | |
companycheckfin.fi | Expired 2023-03-24 | ||
cosine.fi | http://www.cosine.fi/ | 2025-05-07 | |
darktrace.fi | http://www.darktrace.fi/ | 2025-09-01 | |
dgturkkilainenparturi.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-04-23 | |
emute.fi | https://emute.fi/ | 2025-08-22 | |
estatecds.fi | Expired 2023-01-30 | ||
futsalmagasinet.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-06-03 | |
gasoil.fi | Expired 2019-01-10 | ||
hannumaktesta38228.fi | Expired 2020-11-28 | ||
hannumaktestaa394.fi | Expired 2020-10-02 | ||
hurjaharju.fi | Expired 2024-12-12 | ||
iitalehti.fi | Expired 2023-03-04 | ||
kampaus-ja-muoti.fi | Expired 2020-01-30 | ||
karpinvaaranmetsastajat.fi | Expired 2024-03-06 | ||
keno-tulokset.fi | http://www.keno-tulokset.fi/ | 2025-05-26 | |
kiehinen.fi | Expired 2024-09-20 | ||
kotihoitoulpukka.fi | https://www.kotihoitoulpukka.fi/ | 2025-08-13 | |
lapsentukena.fi | Expired 2022-03-15 | ||
leovegasbonus.fi | http://www.leovegasbonus.fi/ | 2025-06-08 | |
level-up.fi | Expired 2022-08-02 | ||
luccaconsult.fi | No DNS records found | 2026-01-19 | |
lumiina.fi | Expired 2024-12-11 | ||
lumitele.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-11-29 | |
monitors.fi | Expired 2020-11-10 | ||
multisportracing.fi | No DNS records found | 2026-01-05 | |
mysterybox.fi | Expired 2024-11-14 | ||
myymalatv.fi | https://www.myymalatv.net/etusivu | 2025-05-14 | |
naekauneus.fi | Expired 2019-08-28 | ||
nanobusiness.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-06-03 | |
nblnwhtestausdomaini2.fi | Expired 2019-08-23 | ||
nblnwhtestausdomaini.fi | Expired 2019-08-23 | ||
neonx.fi | Expired 2024-08-05 | ||
next-level.fi | Expired 2022-08-15 | ||
ozark.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-12-22 | |
patchbag.fi | Expired 2018-12-04 | ||
peintre.fi | Expired 2024-03-01 | ||
pitchhelsinki.fi | Expired 2023-06-08 | ||
saarelin.fi | http://www.saarelin.fi/ | Non public Ficora domain | |
samikasino.fi | Expired 2024-08-01 | ||
secureaction.fi | http://www.secureaction.fi/ | 2026-01-20 | |
structuraledsolutions.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-12-06 | |
taidollaadhd.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-06-14 | |
talvitakki.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-10-22 | |
testailua.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-06-05 | |
testifonecta.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-05-07 | |
tiitucreative.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-11-29 | |
trafic.fi | Expired 2019-06-06 | ||
turvallinennettikasino.fi | No DNS records found | 2025-07-27 | |
verkkohaltuun.fi | https://verkkohaltuun.fi/ | 2025-06-08 | |
viagame.fi | https://viagame.fi/ | 2025-06-08 |